Due to the COVID-19 quarantine period, nearly all AKC events and shows have been suspended for the foreseeable future. We had planned to earn a number of new titles this spring including trying our first attempts at Barn Hunt, finishing Myst’s rally novice, earning some more advanced rally legs with Grizz & Myst, starting our scent work adventures with Sunny, and earning some more CAT & FastCAT legs. With all of those cancelled, we suddenly have a lot of free time for home improvement projects and basic training opportunities. One thing that came up this week was the opportunity to submit Trick Dog routines via video submission to qualified evaluators. We have never really given much thought to these as they weren’t high on my interest list, but with nothing else to do and having an opportunity to work on dog training I thought “why not?”
This weekend we started off strong with a variety of new tricks on the horizon. It’s no surprise Myst and Grizz jumped wholeheartedly into the adventure as they already love working. Sunny hasn’t had a lot of opportunity for other training yet but she too was incredibly enthusiastic to learn new things! Now we are working on the less willing participants: Kenai (who thinks he should just sleep on the couch all day) and Rayne (who has a bit of ADHD). So for now, we present our 3 superstars earning the Trick Dog Novice titles already this week: Sunny, Myst, & Grizz! We will see what else unfolds during these unusual times.
Sunny, Myst, & Grizz all earned their Trick Dog Novice titles!