End of Year 2021

Over the last few months of 2021, we finished off a few last minute titles. Mid-October Myst earned her last leg of Rally Intermediate (RI) and Thundyr earned her first legs of Rally Novice (RN). In early November, Grizz ran a few legs of Barn Hunt Senior but the real star was his Momma! Myst became the very first Cane Corso to earn the Crazy 8 Silver (CZ8S) title in Barn Hunt. Then to round out the year Thundyr earned her final leg for her Rally Novice (RN) title in December and Kenai earned his Canine Good Citizen Advanced (CGCA) and Urban (CGCU) titles.

Myst earned her RI title in October

Myst earned her CZ8S title in Nov (a breed first!)

Thundyr earned her RN in December

Kenai earned his CGCA & CGCU in December